Day 10 – Les Contamines to Refuge de Miage via everywhere else
A series of unfortunate events part two.
Quote of the day
AD “Who would like to join me for a short walk along the river”
Le refuge de Miage was a relatively short walk up the hill from Les contamines. Those who went that way certainly made it in very easy time to have a delightful lunch. Others chose a more leisurely walk along the river valley
Those descending the mountain and those travelling by the allegedly leisurely route met in the afternoon at the specified address for our accomodation. Unfortunately, this turned out to be the postal address – the actual refuge was some hours away, back up the mountain, where our advanced party had been for lunch hours before. (We’re looking at you, UTracks).
The man at the address in town eventually could not ignore the fact that 16 people were milling around his front door and eventually poured us all into the back of his pick up and drove us half way up the hill. The rest of the way was a steep climb.
The refuge was quite charming. After dinner, the mood was lightened by some grappa and a session of ‘On the Couch with Dr Tim’. We all bunked into an enormous bed, taking our life into our hands as we climbed down the ladder in turns at frequent intervals.
For Your Main Meal Tonight, I score you a
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